Magnesia (MgO)
Grid sets of glazes containing MgO
These sets all contain magnesia, MgO, in the flux set, either in the form of Magnesium carbonate (heavy or light), Talc or Dolomite.

Showing the effect of a high percentage of light magnesium carbonate in the grid. One can use 40 or 50 % of light magnesium carbonate in the C-corner, with the balance of the fluxes being frit for mid-fire or nepheline syenite for high-fire. Add other fluxes and additives like colouring oxides and rutile if you wish.

Showing the effect of a high percentage of light magnesium carbonate in the grid. One can use 40 or 50 % of light magnesium carbonate in the C-corner, with the balance of the fluxes being frit for mid-fire or nepheline syenite for high-fire. Add other fluxes and additives like colouring oxides and rutile if you wish.

This set uses a fairly normal set of fluxes for mid-fire with the addition of titanium dioxide to all the recipes giving a preponderance of opaque glazes. The little crystals are from MgO in the flux set.

Dol/Sr/Zn^10R_Tuscany.JPG - Grid Tile fired at La Meridiana at the workshop in 2005

Iron/Bone Ash Red Set
Fired to Orton cone 10 in oxidation at the workshop at Keramikos in Haarlem, Netherlands, 2008. This set shows how the combination of iron oxide and bone ash can make some rich iron-red colours, with interesting small crystal development in many of the glazes.